Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thank you!

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you commented and emailed following my post 'It's a sleep thing...'. I was so happy that you all took the time to write. I have to say that I started to feel so much better about the whole thing straight away! Not that the sleeping is getting any better! But my outlook has changed and I have started looking at the websites and books you recommended too. The support makes such a difference. So thank you!

Here is an appropriate photo for this week's Yashar update:


Tanya said...

gorgeous!!! I forgot to say sometimes on a fractious night you could try wrapping him in the nightshirt you have just been wearing and putting him back to bed wrapped in your smell. sometimes thats all the reassurance they need, that you are there!

Simple Answer said...

So sweet! I hope you find what works to get him to sleep. Sleep is good. Sleep helps you be a better mom, wife, person...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo of the wee one. Glad you're feeling better about the sleep thing. Enjoy your vacation. The sea is good for the soul.

senol said...

Dear my love
You are doing a wonderful care. I am really proud of you and Yashar appreceate everything you do for him.

Lots of love your husband Shenol and your son Yashar